Amaya 10 Amaya, developed by W3C, is a web editor/browser that creates and updates documents directly on your website. W3C (WWW Consortium) needed a framework that could include as many of their technologies... Read more aMSN 0.96 aMSN is an open source clone of MSN Messenger. It aims to implement as many features as possible from the original, and to provide even more features on top of that. Alot of the extra features are... Read more
Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server is (according to Netcraft) the most deployed and used web server on the internet. It is always up-to-date with the latest HTTP standards - and runs on any modern operating system.... Read more
Chrome Chrome, the new browser by Google, uses refreshingly minimal design and combines it with advanced technology to make surfing the internet safer, faster and simpler than ever before.
One of the... Read more
Cyberduck For Mac OS X Cyberduck is simply one of the best ftp clients around. Supporting both standard ftp and secure ftp (sftp) - Cyberduck is a versatile and easy to use ftp client. Additionally Cyberduck... Read more
Ekiga 3.2 Although people are still using the telephone in one form or another as the main means of communication, VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is the newest form of voice communication.
Ekiga,... Read more
Emesene 1.0.1 Emesene is a MSN Messenger clone, which primary goal is to support all features of the Windows Live Messenger Network (WLM). However, it does have a few extra features - besides trying to be... Read more
Evolution Evolution is an e-mail client built from scratch to be an alternative to Outlook on Linux. Today it has evolved beyond that - and provides stable functionaly through typical e-mail features. But... Read more
FileZilla FileZilla is an open source ftp client, which also supports secure ftp (sftp). FileZilla is built to be a fast but yet feature rich ftp client. Like many of the commercial products FileZilla has a... Read more
FrostWire 4.18 FrostWire is an alternative peer-to-peer file sharing service on the Gnutella network that is modeled after LimeWire and in fact, derived its code from LimeWire Pro. You'll find it a bit different... Read more
HydraIRC 0.3 Hydra IRC, an open source chat client, is quickly gaining a stellar reputation. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) used to be only for the computer literate but Hydra makes it easy for anyone to enjoy it. ... Read more
Miranda IM Small and fast are only two positive things that come to mind when trying to descripe Miranda IM. Like many of its open source "competitors" it is an multi-protocol instant messenger capable of... Read more
Mozilla Firefox Despite a very hard effort Mozilla Firefox has always been 2nd on the browser market - only surpassed by Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, it is gaining market share rapidly - and aims to take... Read more
Mozilla SeaMonkey SeaMonkey settles all of your internet application needs in own package. Its a web-browser, email and newsgroup client, HTML authoring program and IRC chat client all-in-one. In most areas -... Read more
Mozilla Thunderbird This full-featured open source email client provides an excellent open source alternative to all commercial email clients. Thunderbird has a wide list of features of which some are: support for POP... Read more
Mumble 1.1 Mumble is voice chat software that can be used by any type of group but is tailored for gamers who enjoy chatting while gaming. It has an ingame overlay for DirectX9 and OpenGL based games and shows... Read more
Nagios Nagios is an open source monitoring systems that keeps an eye on your network, hosts and even services using plug-ins and SNMP. It's web-based user interface allow you to quickly discover problems... Read more
NeDi w-rc1 NeDi is an open source network management framework which uses scheduled discovery to examine your network. All data is store in a SQL database and through the web-based user interface your can... Read more
NeverNote Nevernote was created in response to popular demand of Linux users. A clone of Evernote, it was originally intended for Linux but can also run on Windows. Nevernote is a note-saving program that... Read more
OpenNMS 1.6 OpenNMS is an open source enterprise-grade network management platform. OpenNMS will monitor both service and the hosts they run on and inform you of any errors and provide statistical information... Read more
OpenVPN OpenVPN solves all of you VPN needs - including remote access, site to site VPNs and more. At the same time OpenVPN provides a detailed access control to all VPNs created. OpenVPN uses the SSL/TLS... Read more
OSXvnc OSXVNC is an open source implementation of the remote desktop server software VNC. This edition of the original VNC project has focused on making a complete and full features VNC server for MacOS.... Read more
Pandora 2.0 Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) is a complete network and node (servers, workstations, etc.) monitoring solution. Pandora comes in three parts - agents, server and console. The agents are... Read more
Pidgin 2.6 Pidgin is an instant messenger (IM) application that cover multiple protocols - including (but not limited to) AIM, ICQ, MSN, IRC, Jabber, Novell GroupWise Messenger and Lotus Sametime. These... Read more 0.2 is an open source universal Instant Messenger (IM) developed fully in Java. has plug-in based support for the different IM networks. Among the supported... Read more
Poderosa 4.1.0 Poderosa is an open source tabbed based terminal emulator. Unlike any other terminal emulator Poderosa allows you to work with split windows, so that you can easily run multiple sessions at once.... Read more
Psi 0.10 Psi is an open source instant messenger client built for Jabber (the open source instant messaging protocol). However, to ensure that you don't loose touch we your friends who have not yet switched... Read more
PuTTY The favorite terminal program for many users that access command-line based servers - whether securely through SSH or simple through telnet. PuTTY is light-weight and simple. It only provides the... Read more
RSS Bandit RSS Bandit is a RSS and Atom reader that allows you to keep track of all of the news feeds you follow on the net. It's newspaper view lets you get a quick overview of unread posts across the blogs... Read more
RSSOwl 1.2.3 RSSOwl is a great news reader that runs on virtually any platform. First you have to add feeds to RSSOwl - this can of course be done by manually adding the exact URL of the feed. However, RSSOwl... Read more
VNC VNC is an open source remote desktop application. It allows you to control a graphical user session on a machine remotely through the network. Both VNC server and client runs on multiple platforms.... Read more
WengoPhone 2.1 WengoPhone is an open source softphone for telephony over the internet also know as ip telephony and voip. It provides free PC-to-PC calls as well as chat and video conferencing. Through Wengo it... Read more
WinSCP 4.2 WinSCP originally started as a SCP (secure copy) client, but later gained SFTP capabilities - and as of April 2007 it also support legacy FTP. Once installed WinSCP integrates fully with Windows -... Read more
WIPFW 0.2.8 WIPFW is a firewall for Windows based on IPFW for FreeBSD unix and it provides virtually the same features, functionality and user interface. Please note when downloading WIPFW remember to get the... Read more
Wireshark Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal) is a top open source product that allows you to capture (or sniff) packets on a LAN (local area network) in order to analyze the network traffic. Once you turn... Read more
XChat 2.8 XChat is an IRC (internet relay chat) client. IRC is a world wide chat systems that has existed since the 80s. Based on multiple networks of servers where each network lists it's own topics (aka... Read more
Zenoss Zenoss is one of the top open source network and systems monitoring solutions - and some will even say that it valid competitor to many of the major commercial enterprise monitoring systems. With... Read more