7-Zip 4.57 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. It supports the following formats for packing/unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR - and the following for unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH,... Read more Amanda Amanda is a network backup solution in which the Amanda server runs on a single machine on your LAN - multiple clients can then connect to backup their local data. The clients can run almost any... Read more
Bacula Bacula is an open source networked backup system for Linux/Unix, Mac and Windows clients. Contrary to some other backup solutions Bacula uses a specific client application written for each operating... Read more
BleachBit BleachBit is an application that frees disk space and guards your privacy. It cleans the cache, clears internet history, deletes cookies and logs, shreds temporary files and gets rid of junk that... Read more
Burn 2.2 Burn is a CD and DVD burning application. With Burn you can create audio, data and video disks in many different formats - burning iso images is also supported. Standard audio CDs as well as mp3 CD... Read more
CamStudio 2.0 CamStudio is an open source screencast application cabable of capturing both audio and video directly of your PC screen - and store it for later playback. This is great for demonstrating how... Read more
CDRDAO 1.2.2 CDRDAO (CD recording Disk At Once) is an open source CD burner which performs basic CD burning as well as more advanced features for audio CD creation. These features include full control of pre-gaps... Read more
Clonezilla Clonezilla is an open source solution to computer backup, restoration and "ghosting". It is based on partition imaging and allows you to backup and recover your system should it be taken out by a... Read more
Cooperative Linux 0.7 coLinux is an extremely interesting new approach to virtualization allowing you to run Linux parallel to your Windows platform. coLinux approaches the experimenting Linux novice - who does not... Read more
Cream 0.39 Cream is an open source text editor which used Vim as a base. However, Cream added an intuitive user interface with pull-down menus, toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and a tabbed based multi document... Read more
Create Synchronicity Created in 2009, Create Synchronicity is a backup tool for Windows that helps protect your files and keep your data current. It can copy documents, music, pictures and videos to a backup drive or a... Read more
FOG FOG is an imaging solution for Vista and Windows XP that makes use of some open-source tools and a PHP based web interface. It is unique in that it requires no boot disks or CDs, using TFTP and PXE... Read more
Ghost for Unix (G4U) 2.3 G4U is an operating systems independent application that can be used for disk cloning. It boots either of disks or LiveCD - and then allows you to copy all of the content from a harddisk to a remote... Read more
GParted 0.7 GParted is an open source partition manager also known as the Gnome Partition Editor application. It is actualy a LiveCD/LiveUSB that allows you to boot directly into GParted when you need it -... Read more
Greenshot Greenshot is a screenshot tool, supports several image formats as well as saving part or all of a screen into a file within one second's time.
This program takes only a small amount of memory, a... Read more
HandBrake 0.7.1 Handbrake is a DVD to MPEG-4 converter. It is able to process both unencrypted files from the VIDEO_TS folder as well as whole DVDs and turn them into MPEG-4 or H.264 formats. NTSC and PAL formats... Read more
InfraRecorder 0.50 InfraRecorder is an easy to use CD and DVD burner application. It supports virtually all different formats including rewritable disc, multi-session disc and dual-layer DVDs. Also audio CDs can be... Read more
Inno Setup 5.1.6 Inno Setup is a feature-rich open source installer for Windows applications. With it's integrated Pascal scripting engine you have full control of both installation as well as uninstallation. Inno... Read more
InstallJammer 1.1.1 InstallJammer is an open source install builder. With InstallJammer you can create cross-platform installation packages that are completely self-contained. InstallJammer aim to be easy to use - and... Read more
jEdit 4.2 jEdit is powerful open source editor that has taken the best features from all other editors and combined them into one. And as an open source java application is runs on virtually any platform.... Read more
K3b 1.0.1 K3b is an open source application for creating/burning CDs and DVDs. Features include CD and DVD ripping with DivX/XviD encoding, DVD copy, ISO burning, Video CD (VCD) creation, Audio CD creation for... Read more
Komodo Edit 5 Komodo Edit is an open source editor by ActiveState that is different from your run-of-the-mill editor in that it has many features that are usually absent in editors, but you might find in IDEs... Read more
Launch4j 2.1.5 Launch4j is an open source installer that wrappes your jar files into native executables for e.g. Windows, but also MacOS, Linux and Solaris are supported. For JRE you can either embed one - or have... Read more
Nagios Nagios is an open source monitoring systems that keeps an eye on your network, hosts and even services using plug-ins and SNMP. It's web-based user interface allow you to quickly discover problems... Read more
NeDi w-rc1 NeDi is an open source network management framework which uses scheduled discovery to examine your network. All data is store in a SQL database and through the web-based user interface your can... Read more
Notepad++ 5.2 Notepad++ is an excellent open source replacement for Microsoft Notepad, but has many more features that lets it compete with commercial text editors for both development and web design. Some... Read more
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System 2.37 NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source tool for the development of Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore highly... Read more
OpenNMS 1.6 OpenNMS is an open source enterprise-grade network management platform. OpenNMS will monitor both service and the hosts they run on and inform you of any errors and provide statistical information... Read more
OpenVZ OpenVZ is a great alternative to standard virtualization offerings on the market, that unlike most other products only offers operating system level virtualization - and only on Linux. However, this... Read more
Pandora 2.0 Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) is a complete network and node (servers, workstations, etc.) monitoring solution. Pandora comes in three parts - agents, server and console. The agents are... Read more
Partition Image 0.6.7 Partition Image is an open source disk cloner. It will create a complete image of the partitions you wish to backup that can be spilt into multiple files for storing on removable media - or copied... Read more
PeaZip PeaZip is a file manager and archiver for both Windows and Linux. It features an archive browser with history and search features to make navigating an archive faster and easier.
PeaZip... Read more
SciTE 1.73 SciTE is a developers editor. Originally made as an example for the Scintilla project - an open source source code editing component, SciTE today is a fully featured text editor for developers using... Read more
Sumatra PDF 0.9 Sumatra PDF is a fairly young project aiming to create a small, simple and fast PDF viewer. It main features are showing PDFs and starting up really fast - and it does both just perfectly. Apart form... Read more
VirtualBox 3.0 Originally a commercial product VirtualBox is now also available in an open source edition. The open source version is, however, always a version behind the commercial version and thus lacks some... Read more
Wireshark Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal) is a top open source product that allows you to capture (or sniff) packets on a LAN (local area network) in order to analyze the network traffic. Once you turn... Read more
Xen Xen is state-of-the-art virtualization on the PC - and it is even open source. With a high performance mainly due to it's architecture with the hypervisor and it's support for hardware virtualization... Read more
Xming 7.3 Xming is a small and fast X-Windows Server for Microsoft Windows. But even though it is small - it is still simple to use and has the full set of features your would see in commercial products. Used... Read more
Xpdf 3.02 Xpdf is an open source PDF or Acrobat file viewer. Designed and works under virtually any unix operating system. Only its command-line tool are available in Windows. Xpdf support the latest PDF... Read more
xvidcap 1.1.4 xvidcap is a screencast application for Linux. It allows you to capture either parts of the full screen of your Linux desktop. This makes it an ideal tool for making either demonstrations of software... Read more
Zenoss Zenoss is one of the top open source network and systems monitoring solutions - and some will even say that it valid competitor to many of the major commercial enterprise monitoring systems. With... Read more
ZScreen Many people enjoy captures images to share with their friends and family or use in their blogs or on their websites. ZScreen is a capture program for Windows that allows region, window or full... Read more