Average score 2.97 (based on 61 votes)given by Rain on November 22, 2006
given by Peter Bakker on December 12, 2006
given by Cyprian Alexzander on January 2, 2007
given by Brendan Price on January 29, 2007
given by Cybergrunt on February 5, 2007
given by Anonymous on March 10, 2007
given by Anonymous on March 26, 2007
given by Nick Taylor on April 14, 2007
given by Anonymous on May 6, 2007
given by Anonymous on May 23, 2007
given by Serge on September 24, 2008
given by Anonymous on May 23, 2009
given by Anonymous on January 27, 2011
given by play online poker on February 7, 2011
given by DavidNup on March 14, 2017
The only consistent complaint I ever have with programs that make webpages, is the extra html they add to pages, but in the case of Nvu, even this is minimal as well.
For me, who hand codes everything, using this was a dream, just as soon as I got to know its quirks... it leaves such things as Frontpage and Coffee Cup and for Macintosh, Adobe Pagemill, and Go Live, in the dust. I have not actually used Dreamweaver, so I can't say much about that comparison, but this comes with my highest recomendation.