OSalt.com in the News
April 11, 2009 - makeuseof.com | Osalt: Find Open Source Alternative to Commercial Software "Today I have stumbled on to another website with similar concept, but this time it lets you find open source alternative to commercial software products."
April 29, 2008 - DinSide Data | Finn beste gratisalternativ "(Norwegian) På jakt etter gratisalternativer til andre programmer? Open Source Alternative er din venn."
April 3, 2008 - DR | Rabatten - Gratis software "(Danish) Osalt.com er en meget effektiv side, når det kommer til at spare lidt penge, som ellers vil være spenderet på computersoftware."
March 20, 2008 - Tech Support Alert | Newsletter Issue 155
January 10, 2008 - PCMech | Find Open Source Software Alternatives "An easy quick reference, Open Source Alternative, has listings of commercial products and viable open source alternatives for those products."
September 23, 2007 - BR-Linug.org | Alternativas de código aberto para softwares proprietários "(Portuguese) ..site Open Source Alternative tem uma lista de vários softwares proprietários e alternativas open source para cada um, facilitando a tarefa de procurar algum software específico."
August 25, 2007 - ITtoolbox | Open Source Alternatives "One of the first places I ever look for software instead of buying the commercial stuff is a place called the "Open Source Alternative"."
June 27, 2007 - netzwelt | Link-Wink: Open-Source-Alternativen zu kommerzieller Software "Egal ob Videoarbeitung, Büroanwendungen oder Sicherheitssoftware: Für alles gibt es freie und kostenlose Alternativen."
May 31, 2007 - PC World (Denmark) | Torsdagstippet: Find de gratis programmer "(Danish) ..websiden Osalt.com [har] specialiseret sig i at samle de bedste open source programmer på nettet."
May 31, 2007 - TDC Online | Dagens tip (tip of the day) "(Danish) Den engelske hjemmeside osalt.com har samlet en stribe open source-programmer inden for en række kategorier."
May 28, 2007 - BlenderNation | Osalt - open source alternatives "Give the website a try if you are looking for a good open source alternative, you might find something you didn't even know existed."
May 24, 2007 - AppScout | OSAlt.com: Your Open Source Alternative "Luckily, open source repository OSAlt.com is here to save the day."
May 23, 2007 - Lifehacker | Find free alternatives to commercial software at OSalt.com "How do you avoid paying for a Final Cut or Visio license and support the open source community all at once? Find a free open source alternative to expensive commercial software at osalt.com."
May 22, 2007 - Download Squad | Open Source tips: alternatives to commercial software website "..osalt.com is a website with all the right stuff in one nice place for you."
May 4, 2007 - Ehrensenf | Tischtennis-Tür; billig verreisen; Freizeitpark-Simulation (Video in German)
April 8, 2007 - Linux and Open Source Blog | Why Use Software Illegally When You Can Use Legally.. "Make sure to check out OSAlt.com (Open Source as Alternative) site to see a comprehensive list of applications."
March 9, 2007 - Digg | FREE Open Source Alternatives to Popular Programs on Linux and WINDOWS
March 6, 2007 - bMighty.com | Open Source Without Tears "..osalt.com is worth your time to check out."
February 7, 2007 - FARK.com | Where can I find an open-source alternative to...?
January 26, 2007 - MAKE Magazine | Find open source alternatives to commercial software "I like the way osalt lists open source alternatives along with their commercial counterpart, very handy."
January 2, 2007 - Linux Today | Osalt.com: Open source as alternative
December 18, 2006 - Popular Science | Your Guide to Free Open-Source Software "OSalt.com is an incredibly handy guide to this constantly evolving world. It pairs open-source projects with their traditional expensive equivalents, making it easy to find what you need."
December 6, 2006 - Planet Download | Site van de Week (site of the week) "(Dutch) En die alternatieven vind je bij OS Alt.com, oftewel: Open Source (as) Alternative. Voor vrijwel elk denkbaar programma is wel een gratis, Open Source alternatief te vinden, zoals de site keurig laat zien."
October 23, 2006 - Daily Cup of Tech | Open Source Alternatives "...I would like to point out a wonderful website called Open Source Alternative. What OSAlt has done is catalaog a large number of open source applications and match them up with their commercial counterparts."