Average score 3.14 (based on 58 votes)given by Bilfurd on February 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on March 10, 2007
given by Anonymous on April 17, 2007
given by Anonymous on May 3, 2007
given by Calorus on June 1, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on November 21, 2007
given by Bruce on February 8, 2008
given by John Verne on June 11, 2008
given by Anonymous on November 30, 2008
given by Philippe DB on January 19, 2009
given by Skaven on January 6, 2011
given by Anonymous on September 19, 2012
I would recommend MySQL to any developer looking to build an enterprise class database system, whether or not budget was an issue.