Average score 2.9 (based on 58 votes)given by Innovative Sac on November 15, 2006
given by Anonymous on March 10, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 1, 2007
given by 2417232 on June 4, 2007
given by Don Quilty on June 18, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 19, 2007
given by Anonymous on July 10, 2007
given by Thai Van HaiBa on August 16, 2007
given by Anonymous on April 13, 2008
given by Anonymous on April 18, 2008
given by Anonymous on April 3, 2009
given by Anonymous on December 22, 2011
Limitations of Demo Version
* No guaranteed technical support (reports and questions are welcome though)
* Maximum of 5 objects of every type (table, query, form) allowed per database.
* MS Access tables import: 100 first rows (practically, in random order) is imported for every table. There is no limitations for the number of tables though.
* No documentation.