Average score 3.22 (based on 54 votes)given by Rain on November 22, 2006
given by digitig on April 7, 2007
given by DevMan on June 2, 2007
given by Snuk the Great on September 23, 2007
given by Anonymous on February 25, 2008
given by charliefirpo on June 3, 2009
given by Ron F. on July 31, 2009
given by Anonymous on August 12, 2009
given by Anonymous on September 3, 2009
With plugins, and in-built features, this application can do every conceivable thing for programers, webmasters, coders, even just regular authors, but, despite that it is also simply a notepad, so even someone who just wants to write some notes, or use a notepad for some reason, but who rightly dislikes the Notepad that comes with MS (or Simple Text with macintosh) this is the penultimate...