Average score 3.5 (based on 60 votes)given by Henrik Georg Sørensen, Denmark on June 20, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 22, 2007
given by Graham Jakins - Perth Australia on June 22, 2007
given by Leandro Fava on June 22, 2007
given by Oscar Carlés on June 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 23, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 23, 2007
given by Paul White on June 25, 2007
given by Vini on July 19, 2007
given by Bradley Kieser on February 25, 2009
Usergroups around the world to support and inspire.
Ingres is used in Large installation World-Wide, and has been my favorite since 1990.
In the last couple of years the development for Ingres has been focused on ease of getting started, high-scalability and availabilty.
Stability and speed has never been a problem.
So hurry download it for almost whatever platform you prefer Linux, Wintendo or Unix/Vms.
Full documentation in PDF and HTML, and also Webcast to getting started.