Average score 3.28 (based on 53 votes)given by Steve Leonard on January 22, 2007
given by Mihai Campean on January 26, 2007
given by Mike on January 28, 2007
given by Anonymous on January 28, 2007
given by Anonymous on February 22, 2007
given by Anonymous on June 10, 2007
given by DC on February 1, 2008
given by Anonymous on February 21, 2009
given by Anonymous on June 7, 2011
You create a central circle with a word in it, and off that you have rectangle nodes, each of which can have child nodes. You can have "graphical links" (ie arrows) between nodes and clouds to group related items.
It does a lot though I might have like to be able to link a child node to 2 parent nodes, which is not possible.
Good free tool though. I now use it for my daily and weekly to-do list.